The human being develops his identity in the group. The group reference integrates him, the identity differentiates him from the group. Günter Ammon

Anna Mendelson
Psychologist | Psychological individual and group psychotherapist | Teaching therapist | Supervisor | Expert witness | Lecturer
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The focus of our practice is on psychodynamic group psychotherapy
Why group therapy?
In a group psychotherapy, one does not only get feedback from the psychotherapist. Each group member also receives feedback from several, very different people. The participants make the experience that others approach their problems in a completely different way than they do themselves, which means that each individual has experienced their psychological burdens, symptoms or impairments on a completely new level, understand and work on their psychological burdens, symptoms or impairments on a completely new level.
The group-therapeutic relationships thus offer the participants important development opportunities. They learn to better perceive their needs, experience their own self emotionally, perceive other people realistically and holistically, to draw boundaries and to recognize the contradictions between their own and other people's perspectives. In addition, the participants should experience being able to permanently detach themselves from ties without feelings of guilt and to say goodbye.
Furthermore, in the group process, the participating persons should have important corrective experiences when the group reacts differently to the relationship offers than they know from their environment. In the process, the participants are given the opportunity to further develop their own identity.
Really group therapy?
At least once in our lives, each of us has had a negative experience in a group, or experienced a slight at the hands of a group, or experienced an unwanted relationship breakdown during a conflict. This makes it all the more important to develop a sense of belonging and to experience that it is not only me who feels this way.
This is also where the role of the psychotherapist comes into play. She leads the process and provides a safe framework for all group members, so that each individual is seen and is seen and held by the group.
The aim of group therapy
The depth-psychology based group
These unfold within a safe framework and open group communication, the focus is on three areas: The relationship experience in the group, current conflicts, and one's own life story.
The group is not given a topic. The participants talk about what they are currently and share their ideas and fantasies as freely as possible. The new can then be tested in everyday life and brought back to the group for further development.
What should be considered in a group?
All issues raised are treated with respect. Mutual respect is the basic prerequisite for a successful process. This creates a familiar and understanding atmosphere is created, in which the participants can work through their can work through the topics they have brought with them.
Maintaining confidentiality is a central part of our practice philosophy. We take great care to keep your personal information and conversations strictly confidential to provide you with the space and feeling of safety and peace during your therapeutic companionship.
Effective factors of a group therapy
According to Yalom's model, participants in the group experience the same relationship problems that they also experience in their everyday world. With the help of the group, participants can become aware of their neurotic patterns of interaction; this process is called insight. This newly acquired awareness enables them to change their experience and behavior, which they can then immediately apply in the group. This experimentation with new interpersonal behaviors and their repercussions on the experience of the participants is called interpersonal learning. But probably the most researched impact factor is group cohesion. What is meant by this is colloquially, the sense of community or belonging within a group. The ability of a participant to establish a good relationship with the group promotes not only the willingness to take risks and open up to others. This gives the participating person more feedback, which makes it easier to achieve the therapeutic desired change can be realized.
Here is an overview of all 11 impact factors according to Yalom:
- Hope for healing
- Universality of suffering
- Communication of information
- Altruism
- The corrective recapitulation of the primary family
- Techniques of interpersonal interaction
- Imitative behavior
- Interpersonal learning
- Group cohesion
- Catharsis
- The existential experiences (death, fear, loneliness, meaninglessness)
Our groups
Currently, we have several semi-open groups, some of which are women-only groups. Semi-open means that if a member leaves the group, the place is filled by a new person. In these groups, up to a maximum of 9 people participate. They take place weekly, last 100 minutes per session and are offered in two languages (German and Russian).
In some cases, it makes sense to combine group therapy with individual therapy, which is then decided on a case-by-case basis in the psychotherapeutic consultation. In this so-called combination therapy, the weekly group sessions are combined with additional individual sessions. In most cases, these take place every 14 days and serve as an accompaniment and consolidation to the group therapy.
Our process
The costs of group therapy or combined treatment are covered by statutory health insurance in the same way as individual therapies are covered by the statutory health insurance. Of course, you can also attend your therapy as a self-payer or privately insured person. The prices are based on the current GOP rates.
In addition to her work as a psychotherapist, Dipl.-Psych. Anna Mendelson is also a lecturer, teaching therapist and supervisor in the training and continuing education of psychotherapists.
Also, there is the possibility of completing an internship during your studies or of sitting in on an internship with us as part of your and further education to complete a job shadowing with us.
Please note that we do not currently offer student internships.
If you would like to apply, we would be pleased to receive a short letter of motivation with your curriculum vitae. A photo is welcome.
Feel free to contact us